Economical and Versatile

Our webs print 4/4 at high speeds with 200 line screen quality.
Think of the cold webs for these items:
- Cut sheets statements, letterheads – folded or unfolded
- Capable of in-line perforation- single horizontal or vertical to multiple coupon style perforations
- Folded or nested letters, disclosure notices, instruction booklets
- Brochures, self – mailers, flyer
- Buck slips
- Magazine inserts, Bind-in, blow-in cards, or wraps
- Booklets up to 24 pages
- Complete direct mail packages from #10 – 9 x 12’s
Equipment/Print Capabilities
- Two 8-color Didde cold webs – prints in any combination 8 colors: e.g. 1/1 to 4cp/4cp
- Features one pass printing on web rolls to a cut sheet size of 8 ½ x 11, 11 x 17 or 17 x 22.
- Webs run up to 25,000 17 x 22 sheets per hour or up to 100m 8 ½ x 11 sheets per hour.
- Quantities from minimums (5,000) to millions. Paper Stock – uncoated only
- Paper weights –from 30# newsprint through 50#, 60#, 70# up to 7 and 9 point hi-bulk or 115# Finch reply for postal regulations
- All types of specialty colors

These are just some of the many types of printed products that can be cost-effectively produced on our cold web presses.
Financial Printing/Direct mail printing Cold Web presses are perfect for bank statements and any type of billing statements. 8 ½ x 14 or 8 ½ x 11 cut sheets with or without micro perforations can be done in line for maximum efficiency. Saddle stitched and folded disclosure notices are also easily produced. Direct mail components that might include additional items such as contribution cards, buck slips, glue-bound or nested letters are very popular configurations that work very well with this equipment.
For example – Direct Mail Packages and their configurations work well:
- 11 x 17 letters or brochures that can be folded to 8 ½ x 11 or down to #10
- 8 ½ x 11 letters, inserts, flyers folded or not
- 3 ½ x 8 ½ or 5 ½ x 8 ½ contribution cards or reply slips
- 8 page – 8 ½ x 10 ¾ glue-bound brochure or nested letter
- Specialty size 4 page brochure with 4” flap – 23 x 11 folds to #10 or 5 ½ x 8 ½
- Full in house bindery and prepress available