I try to keep this blog as informative as possible on matters of general interest to those in the print, envelope and direct mail communities. When I started, I thought that after a while I might have trouble thinking of things to write about. Well, after something like 150 posts (pausing for awkward pat on my own back) finding new topics is getting a little more challenging (OK, so I do repeat myself once in a while; sue me.) However, I’ve been able to figure it out for the most part. I hope you like reading them and please send me your comments. I love getting them.
Anyway, while I try to keep the blog focused on things you might find interesting, every so often I surrender to the little sales guy perched on my shoulder who will bug me occasionally with comments like, “Hey Jerry, why don’t you let them know what you’re selling these days? After all, you are in business to make money right?” (He also bugs me about not making enough cold calls, being out of touch with certain customers and other things I won’t bore you about. Doesn’t everyone have voices in their head?)
So, to placate this annoying little dude, I thought I would take this opportunity to make you aware of one of our specialty products - full view window envelopes also known as display window envelopes. The purpose is to show off what's inside in order to entice the recipient to open it and take a look.
At Elite we print and convert envelopes with lots of very eye-catching designs. Direct mailers have learned that one of the ways to get their mail opened is to create some connection at the point of receipt; i.e. when the letter is removed from the mailbox and held in the hand. Once it gets put down, there's much less of a chance that it will be opened. Life has moved on and there are other things to think about. Most likely the envelope will end up in the recycling bin or the trash. Using a splash of color or a clever tagline or photos or all of the above can help to create interest and encourage the recipient to peek inside.
Full view window envelopes go a step further by partially displaying the contents thereby indicating what's inside and enticing with just enough of a tease to get someone to bite. There's also something to be said for a good looking package that someone has obviously spent a bit of money on. Many people will respect that alone and open and read out of courtesy if not for any other reason. I don't have any stats or studies to back this up but I believe it passes the common sense test.
We can provide full view envelopes in just about any size but the 6 x 9’s and 6 x 9 ½’s are our best deal and you can find great pricing and fast delivery through our website. We’ll print them for you too!